Newbridge Library is holding a number of free talks aimed at parents, teachers, guardians, special needs assistants and others in the next six weeks approx. All talks are free, although booking in advance is required. We would be very grateful if you could please circulate details of these free talks widely to members of staff and parents in your school please. CPD certs are available for the TTT talks taking place on 26th March, 9th April, & 30th April.
- Tuesday 26th March – 7PM: Nutrition for Children with Special Needs with Rina Whyte. This talk looks at the benefits of nutrition on attention span, concentration, emotional response and mood. It presents research based nutritional information and looks at food and nutrients that are particularly beneficial.
- Tuesday 2nd April – 7PM: Fostering Courageous Childhood Friendships with Sarah Murphy. This parenting talk will discuss the issues children face with their friendships and how parents can address them. Sarah – founder of www.courageouskids.ie – will share ways to help children think about, evaluate and ultimately take action in their friendships which will set them up for successful future relationships.
- Tuesday 9th April – 7PM: Counselling Talk with Fiona Hall: The Process of Coping With Your Child’s Diagnosis. This talk looks at the emotional processes parents go through when waiting on or having received an ASD, ADHD, Dyspraxia or related diagnosis for their children. This talk looks at what is going on internally with you as a parent so you can navigate successfully your thoughts and the emotional rollercoaster that can come with a diagnosis.
- Tuesday 30th April – 7PM: What Is Dyslexia? with Amy Smyth from Dyslexia Association of Ireland. In this talk, attendees will discover what dyslexia is, the causes and what we can do to make life easier for someone with dyslexia. It will also cover how to get an assessment for a child or adult with dyslexia and also technology that may help dyslexic children in their day to day and school life.
- Tuesday 7th May – 7PM: How Children Develop and Learn Through Play. Presented by Marie Dowdall of Kildare Child Care Committee. There are so many times in the day that your child is learning. Come along to this workshop to find out more about Aistear the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework and how it can support you to help your child learn through everyday activities and routines.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.
Yours Sincerely,
Kevin Murphy