Here are some ideas for keeping busy at home!

Put a tick beside it every time you do one of the following activities:

  1. Play a board game
  2. Read a book
  3. Create some junk art
  4. Do some gardening
  5. Make a fruit salad
  6. Do some baking
  7. Turn a shoebox into a rainforest
  8. Write a story
  9. Make a collage using old magazines/catalogues
  10. Practise skipping
  11. Dress up and put on a play
  12. Make a puppet and create a puppet show
  13. Do some jumping jacks, squats and sit-ups
  14. Play with Lego
  15. Make slime
  16. Have a disco
  17. Go on a scavenger hunt
  18. Design an obstacle course in your garden and time yourself through it
  19. Make some leaf rubbings
  20. Design a calendar and fill in all the important dates for your family
  21. Play card games
  22. Play Hide and Seek
  23. Tidy your room!
  24. Do jigsaws
  25. Play Bingo
  26. Write a poem/acrostic
  27. Build a blanket fort
  28. Make a bird feeder
  29. Design a fairy door
  30. Create a comic strip
  31. Find some nice stones and decorate
  32. Choreograph a dance to your favourite song
  33. Draw a map of you house/garden and design a treasure hunt
  34. Write a letter to your Grandparents/friends/relations
  35. Look at old photos
  36. Write a letter to your teacher explaining how you are filling your days!
  37. Make a smoothie and freeze it for ice-pops!
  38. Do some origami
  39. Play Hangman/X’s and O’S
  40. Have a brain break!      PHEW…………..