Active School Week
Our school organises an Active School Week each year, usually in June. It is a well planned action packed programme which is accessible to all.
Our active schools’ committee is involved in planning the activities and we usually incorporate our Sports day into the week.
During Active School Week tracksuits replace uniforms and physical activities replace written homework.
The school organizes a teachers v pupils event .
Local clubs and physical providers give taster sessions.
Active Week 2024
We had a fantastic Active Week this year with lots of fun activities such as active lines, music on yard, an Olympic-themed Walkway challenge, yoga and a Wall Sit + Read challenge.
We also held a Relay For Life event in the school during Active Week. Well done to everyone who participated and thanks to those who donated money to the Irish Cancer Society. It was a very uplifting experience.
The highlight of Active Week was of course, Sports Day and we had fabulous weather.
Thanks to the PTA for the delicious ice-cream to cool us down. The children experienced playing many different sports and loved the traditional games such as sack races and egg and spoon races!
Thank you to all the teachers, pupils and past pupils who helped to make the day such a success.
We finished off our Active Week with a presentation of a Leadership Award to our Active School Committee who worked very hard over the past two years.
We were delighted to get the news that we were awarded our first Active Flag!
Well done to the Committee on their hard work and dedication and to the whole school community for their participation in all our initiatives undertaken throughout the year.
The whole school got out between showers on Thursday June 27th to raise our Active Flag.
Lexie and Macey from the Active Committee helped Ms.Reddy raise the flag to the applause of the whole school!
We finished off with a performance of ‘An Dreoilín’ dance.
It was a great achievement and a fitting way for Ms Reddy wrap up her 13 years of teaching in Ballysax! We thank her for all her enthusiasm and support with the Active School Flag initiative.
Active Week 2023
Active Lines are a daily part of our Active Week. Our Active School Committee led the classes in different exercises when we lined up after each break.
Senior and Junior classes joined up to complete the walkway challenge on the first day of Active School Week. They identified famous Irish Sportstars and the sports they play. The junior children had to guess the sport by looking at the equipment. Great fun was had by all!
Sports Day is the highlight of Active School Week and the highlight of the year! Thanks to all the staff, parents and past pupils for their support and help on the day. The children took part in a wide variety of games and sports such as football, soccer, tag rugby, hockey, tennis, basketball, table tennis, obstacle course, rounders, novely events, parachute and a well deserved ice cream was enjoyed by all on the day! The senior classes took part in a teacher V students basketball shooting challenge and penalty taking challenge which was great fun.
There were plenty of opportunities to explore dance during our Active School Week. We had music at yard time and Rachel from Dance Sing Act gave us a lovely workshop on interpretative dance. All classes learned An Dreoilín and performed it together on the last day to finish off Active Week in style!